Saturday, August 8, 2009

ATPA Convention

Having a great time in Hot Springs! We've toured the historical places, tried lots of new cuisines (I never thought I'd eat squid or alligator, but both ended up being quite tasty!), relaxed in spas, and showed the kids a great time before school starts.

We've been here most of the week for the Arkansas Timber Producers Association annual convention, and I'm so glad the Tigercat exhibit has been a huge success. Congrats to my hubby for doing such a great job putting it all together!

I have had so much fun and have enjoyed being here with friends such as Daryl & Kelsey Windham, Sam Dennison, Jonathan Davis, Todd Abbott, Tommy Barnes, and lots of other Tigercat families, as well as seeing local friends such as Mike Pennington, Lynn & Joe Frost and D.H. Forrest.

I'm so proud of my hubby and the great job he does....Chris and logging go together like fish and water. :)