Take a look at an apple tree.
There might be five hundred apples on the tree, each with ten seeds. That's a lot of seeds.
We might ask, "Why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more trees?"
Nature has something to teach us here. It's telling us: "Most seeds never grow. So if you really want to make something happen, you should better try more than once."
This might mean:
You'll attend twenty interviews to get one job.
You'll interview forty people to find one good employee.
You'll talk to fifty people to sell one house, car, vacuum cleaner, insurance policy, or idea.
And you might meet a hundred acquaintances to find one special friend (when I reposted this tonight, I had not read it in forever either, and it touched me, considering what I'm going through right now).
When we understand the 'Law of the Seed', we don't get so disappointed. We stop feeling like victims. Laws of nature are not things to take personally. We just need to understand them - and work with them.
IN A NUTSHELLSuccessful people fail more often. They plant more seeds.
--- Author Unknown ---
OKAY, I'm glad I was going through my old blogs because I REALLY needed to read that tonight. I'm going to come back and read it every day til this stuff is over with.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
~It's a Letter, Man~
A letter by David Letterman....
'As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark.'
'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right?The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we so unhappy about?'A. Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?B. Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?
C. Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?D. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments thanDarfur has seen in the last year?E. Maybe it is the ability to drive our cars and trucks from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Oceanwithout having to present identification papers as we move through each state.
F. Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?G. I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough either.H. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.I. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home.
J. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family, and your belongings.K. Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.L. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90% of teenagers own cell phones and computers.M. How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy.Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S., yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?
Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad? Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the 'Media' told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.
Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable' discharge after a few days inthe brig.So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans?Say what you want, but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by 'justifying' them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done itthis way......Insane!Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the NewYork Times for the bottom of your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, 'Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?'
-David Letterman
'As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark.'
'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right?The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we so unhappy about?'A. Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?B. Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?
C. Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?D. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments thanDarfur has seen in the last year?E. Maybe it is the ability to drive our cars and trucks from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Oceanwithout having to present identification papers as we move through each state.
F. Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?G. I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough either.H. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.I. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home.
J. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family, and your belongings.K. Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.L. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90% of teenagers own cell phones and computers.M. How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy.Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S., yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?
Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad? Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the 'Media' told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.
Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable' discharge after a few days inthe brig.So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans?Say what you want, but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by 'justifying' them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done itthis way......Insane!Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the NewYork Times for the bottom of your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, 'Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?'
-David Letterman
~My Earl List~
Based upon the horribly skanky white trash show My Name is Earl....
I'm apologizing for horrible things so that maybe Karma will give me a break...
My wonderful friend Amy told me I could blog about this, how could I NOT, and for that I name her the Ultimate I.M. friend of all time.
I can't believe the things I do on a daily basis. I keep my foot in my mouth more than in my Converses.
I have edited this blog because it's public, but basically, Amy gave me permission to blog this because she made the same slip a few days later in a really awkward moment....
1. Amy I.M.ed me one night and I asked her about something and said 'omgosh did u just have a heart attack and die when....'
She had logged on to tell me her friend had suffered a heart attack and died.
2. I felt worse about this, but thankfully this friend is a sweetheart too and joked with me about it recently. She told me to add it to my Earl List. Last year, I saw her at the Mexican restaurant eating lunch with her mom. Being all cheesy, I went over hugged her and said 'How's your dad! Tell him I said 'hi!' Her mom busted out crying. Her dad had died months before. Since I've moved from Monticello, I'm out of touch with alot of people I've known my whole life. I was so embarassed. I was mortified even more when we got to the car and my hubby said, 'Dang, Jayme. And it's Father's Day, too.'
3. I'm sorry I got my sister grounded twice in high school. The first time for taking me to see Rodney, my lil jr. high boyfriend, when we were supposed to only be going to Piggly Wiggly for ground beef. It wasn't slutty, at all, by the way. I was a good girl, I was...a fat little bible thumper all the way through high school. But I talked her into going by his house for a few moments of awkard flirting on his dad's porch. When I walked in the door at the house, after my sis drilling me all the way home not to tell Mom we went ANYWHERE but the store, my mom said 'How's Rodney?' I said 'Oh, he's doing great.' I apologize for getting her grounded again with Phillip. That time when I walked in the door, my mom said 'What's Phillip doing today?' I said 'Watching a movie.' dang.
4. I'm sorry what I told the girl at the church. In my defense, she had worked weight into every single conversation with me for at least two months. Every time, this chick would say 'If you'd just lose a little weight, you'd look better...' or 'Maybe you should try this diet I'm on and get rid of those fat arms.' I was suffering from PMS one day, quite grouchy, and was irked cuz this girl was fatter than I've ever been. I just turned around right there in the fellowship hall and said 'Why are you always so worried about how fat I am? What if I told you that you look like a side of beef in a wig?' I feel bad about that.
5. I'm sorry to the janitor at the IMAX about 15 years ago when I peed on myself because I got tickled and couldn't find the bathroom in time. (Refer to my older blogs if you must know more).
6. I'm sorry to our friend that came to visit us about a month after Becca was born. It was a good friend of my hubby's (and many of you, actually) and we were sitting and having baby talk. Chris tickled Becca's feet and I freaked and said, 'NO! You can't tickle her!' 'Why?', they asked? 'Cuz my great-grandma said if you tickle her she'll grow up with a speech impediment.' After the guy left, I found out that he suffered from the particular speech impediment I was referring to...I had just never heard him.
7. I'm sorry for Grandparents Day altogether. Becca's grandparents weren't going to attend GP Day at the school, and I felt horrible because I didn't want her to be left out. We called the teacher and I kept her home from school and took her to the park. I was quite proud of myself for being such a great mom until she fell off the monkey bars and landed flat on her back. After a trip to the ER, I took her to see her dad at work. I ran over a limb that I should have known better not to run over and had a blowout in the parking lot. The salesmen were standing at the door of the dealership, and one of them came out to check it out. Chris was inside on the phone. Already frazzled from the whole 'I let my daughter fall off the monkey bars' thing, I said, 'OMGosh! Was it that big ol' stick, Daryl?', knowing full well it was, 'I gotta get it out of there before Chris sees it!' I squatted, and the whole back of my jeans ripped in two. So sorry to Becca for keeping her home from school, to Chris for blowing out a brand new tire, and the two school buses of children riding down the highway as well as all the Tigercat guys I mooned. My butt is not a good one to be flashing, I assure you.
8. I'm sorry to the people that I typed the birth announcement for years ago at the newspaper. I was busy that morning, and I swear I thought it said Alan when I proofread it. Nope. Anal didn't go over well at all.
9. I'm sorry to the manager of Wal-Mart when I answered phones during Christmas season about 10 years ago. I had worked at our local grocery store as assistant bookkeeper all through high school, and must've answered the phones at least a few hundred times a day. I was sitting at the fitting rooms running the swtichboard at Wal-Mart a few years later when a girl who used to work with me in high school stopped to say hi. About that time, the phone rang, probably someone wanting Electronics or Lay-A-Way, and I screwed up TWICE in one fell swoop. When I answered, not only did I accidently push the intercom button to send it out across the store, but I said, 'Welcoome to Piggly Wiggly! May I help you?' They didn't ask me to watch the switchboard much after that at our local Wal-Mart.
10. I'm sorry to Chris for passing gas in the grocery store then running around to the other aisle so people would think he done it.The Butcher wasn't the only one that was mad that day.
11. I'm sorry for killing Becca's kitty. I swear I didn't know it was under the hood of my car. And I'm sorry for forgetting and letting the replacement kitty out two days later, leaving it to the fate of the neighborhood stray dog. I also apologize for puking on it when it I discovered it had resurfaced a few days after we buried it. The stray dog apparently wasn't through with it yet and dug it out of his grave, returning it to my front porch.
12. I'm sorry I ran over my high school teacher's pet rooster on Bolling Street a whole two days after I got my driver's license. And I'm also sorry for going to the school the next day and saying, 'Hey, Colonel. I fried a chicken by your house last night.'
Endnote: My sister, the sibling who never forgets anything, added to my list in a myspace comment:
she didn't say she was sorry when she laughed when a cow pooped on her mom at the fair, for accidentally whacking me in the nose with the truck door cuz she was chasing me trying to delete a picture of her boobs out of my phone, for wearing a new beautiful sweater my mom bought her for christmas to watch the new years fireworks and getting the sweater caught on fire, for the 10 dozen times she froze my bra, for dragging her pigtails through a wet paint job on a car my dad just painted, for backing my ford truck into a dork's bumper in front of the piggly wiggly, for yelling bloody murder and making me hit a trash can in my mother's van, for calling in to the radio, winning billy ray cyrus tickets and screaming like a banshee for five minutes then telling the annoncer her name was "amy adams", for making me watch the brady bunch, for laughing til she cried when i fell on the ice and broke my nose, for threatening to murder the nurse's dog when i was in the hospital having ben....
~I would like to say in defense of the dog thing that Ben was seven weeks early, he had a huge crater in his tiny lil chest becasuse his lungs were collapsing, I was the only one there, the nurse wouldn't call the doctor, and neo natal in Little Rock when they flew him there said if he had gotten there just half an hour later they wouldn't have been able to save him.
I'm apologizing for horrible things so that maybe Karma will give me a break...
My wonderful friend Amy told me I could blog about this, how could I NOT, and for that I name her the Ultimate I.M. friend of all time.
I can't believe the things I do on a daily basis. I keep my foot in my mouth more than in my Converses.
I have edited this blog because it's public, but basically, Amy gave me permission to blog this because she made the same slip a few days later in a really awkward moment....
1. Amy I.M.ed me one night and I asked her about something and said 'omgosh did u just have a heart attack and die when....'
She had logged on to tell me her friend had suffered a heart attack and died.
2. I felt worse about this, but thankfully this friend is a sweetheart too and joked with me about it recently. She told me to add it to my Earl List. Last year, I saw her at the Mexican restaurant eating lunch with her mom. Being all cheesy, I went over hugged her and said 'How's your dad! Tell him I said 'hi!' Her mom busted out crying. Her dad had died months before. Since I've moved from Monticello, I'm out of touch with alot of people I've known my whole life. I was so embarassed. I was mortified even more when we got to the car and my hubby said, 'Dang, Jayme. And it's Father's Day, too.'
3. I'm sorry I got my sister grounded twice in high school. The first time for taking me to see Rodney, my lil jr. high boyfriend, when we were supposed to only be going to Piggly Wiggly for ground beef. It wasn't slutty, at all, by the way. I was a good girl, I was...a fat little bible thumper all the way through high school. But I talked her into going by his house for a few moments of awkard flirting on his dad's porch. When I walked in the door at the house, after my sis drilling me all the way home not to tell Mom we went ANYWHERE but the store, my mom said 'How's Rodney?' I said 'Oh, he's doing great.' I apologize for getting her grounded again with Phillip. That time when I walked in the door, my mom said 'What's Phillip doing today?' I said 'Watching a movie.' dang.
4. I'm sorry what I told the girl at the church. In my defense, she had worked weight into every single conversation with me for at least two months. Every time, this chick would say 'If you'd just lose a little weight, you'd look better...' or 'Maybe you should try this diet I'm on and get rid of those fat arms.' I was suffering from PMS one day, quite grouchy, and was irked cuz this girl was fatter than I've ever been. I just turned around right there in the fellowship hall and said 'Why are you always so worried about how fat I am? What if I told you that you look like a side of beef in a wig?' I feel bad about that.
5. I'm sorry to the janitor at the IMAX about 15 years ago when I peed on myself because I got tickled and couldn't find the bathroom in time. (Refer to my older blogs if you must know more).
6. I'm sorry to our friend that came to visit us about a month after Becca was born. It was a good friend of my hubby's (and many of you, actually) and we were sitting and having baby talk. Chris tickled Becca's feet and I freaked and said, 'NO! You can't tickle her!' 'Why?', they asked? 'Cuz my great-grandma said if you tickle her she'll grow up with a speech impediment.' After the guy left, I found out that he suffered from the particular speech impediment I was referring to...I had just never heard him.
7. I'm sorry for Grandparents Day altogether. Becca's grandparents weren't going to attend GP Day at the school, and I felt horrible because I didn't want her to be left out. We called the teacher and I kept her home from school and took her to the park. I was quite proud of myself for being such a great mom until she fell off the monkey bars and landed flat on her back. After a trip to the ER, I took her to see her dad at work. I ran over a limb that I should have known better not to run over and had a blowout in the parking lot. The salesmen were standing at the door of the dealership, and one of them came out to check it out. Chris was inside on the phone. Already frazzled from the whole 'I let my daughter fall off the monkey bars' thing, I said, 'OMGosh! Was it that big ol' stick, Daryl?', knowing full well it was, 'I gotta get it out of there before Chris sees it!' I squatted, and the whole back of my jeans ripped in two. So sorry to Becca for keeping her home from school, to Chris for blowing out a brand new tire, and the two school buses of children riding down the highway as well as all the Tigercat guys I mooned. My butt is not a good one to be flashing, I assure you.
8. I'm sorry to the people that I typed the birth announcement for years ago at the newspaper. I was busy that morning, and I swear I thought it said Alan when I proofread it. Nope. Anal didn't go over well at all.
9. I'm sorry to the manager of Wal-Mart when I answered phones during Christmas season about 10 years ago. I had worked at our local grocery store as assistant bookkeeper all through high school, and must've answered the phones at least a few hundred times a day. I was sitting at the fitting rooms running the swtichboard at Wal-Mart a few years later when a girl who used to work with me in high school stopped to say hi. About that time, the phone rang, probably someone wanting Electronics or Lay-A-Way, and I screwed up TWICE in one fell swoop. When I answered, not only did I accidently push the intercom button to send it out across the store, but I said, 'Welcoome to Piggly Wiggly! May I help you?' They didn't ask me to watch the switchboard much after that at our local Wal-Mart.
10. I'm sorry to Chris for passing gas in the grocery store then running around to the other aisle so people would think he done it.The Butcher wasn't the only one that was mad that day.
11. I'm sorry for killing Becca's kitty. I swear I didn't know it was under the hood of my car. And I'm sorry for forgetting and letting the replacement kitty out two days later, leaving it to the fate of the neighborhood stray dog. I also apologize for puking on it when it I discovered it had resurfaced a few days after we buried it. The stray dog apparently wasn't through with it yet and dug it out of his grave, returning it to my front porch.
12. I'm sorry I ran over my high school teacher's pet rooster on Bolling Street a whole two days after I got my driver's license. And I'm also sorry for going to the school the next day and saying, 'Hey, Colonel. I fried a chicken by your house last night.'
Endnote: My sister, the sibling who never forgets anything, added to my list in a myspace comment:
she didn't say she was sorry when she laughed when a cow pooped on her mom at the fair, for accidentally whacking me in the nose with the truck door cuz she was chasing me trying to delete a picture of her boobs out of my phone, for wearing a new beautiful sweater my mom bought her for christmas to watch the new years fireworks and getting the sweater caught on fire, for the 10 dozen times she froze my bra, for dragging her pigtails through a wet paint job on a car my dad just painted, for backing my ford truck into a dork's bumper in front of the piggly wiggly, for yelling bloody murder and making me hit a trash can in my mother's van, for calling in to the radio, winning billy ray cyrus tickets and screaming like a banshee for five minutes then telling the annoncer her name was "amy adams", for making me watch the brady bunch, for laughing til she cried when i fell on the ice and broke my nose, for threatening to murder the nurse's dog when i was in the hospital having ben....
~I would like to say in defense of the dog thing that Ben was seven weeks early, he had a huge crater in his tiny lil chest becasuse his lungs were collapsing, I was the only one there, the nurse wouldn't call the doctor, and neo natal in Little Rock when they flew him there said if he had gotten there just half an hour later they wouldn't have been able to save him.
~To cheer my grumpy friends~
All of my happy people are being emo, with good reason, I shall add.
I've noticed that you all derive great pleasure from laughing at my foolish moments, so I'll just go on and tell ya in hopes of bringing back a few smiles, for a moment, at least.
I went to the grocery store to night, and trying to be all bonnie-n-clyde, I didn't grab a basket, knowing I always get more than I go in for.
I made my way through the Mad Butcher, gathering cinnamon rolls, smoked sausage, mustard and buns. Before I left, I hurried over to the chip aisle and grabbed some pretzels and headed towards the checkout.
I was wearing my ugly yellow dirt track crocks that I've promised myself never to wear again because they are hideous. But I wear them anyways. That was a mistake.
I busted my @$$ right there in between the Doritos and Dr. Peppers. They had been mopping the floors and I had already felt the slippiness (is that a word?) underneath my awful bus-yellow shoes, but I guess I had a brain fart and forgot to be careful.
I looked like an ice skater doing a grand finale....sliding across the floor on one knee, all the way down to the Mountain Dews. I was extremely impressed with myself, though. I didn't drop one thing. Heck, I didn't even smush the cinnamon bun icing.
I've noticed that you all derive great pleasure from laughing at my foolish moments, so I'll just go on and tell ya in hopes of bringing back a few smiles, for a moment, at least.
I went to the grocery store to night, and trying to be all bonnie-n-clyde, I didn't grab a basket, knowing I always get more than I go in for.
I made my way through the Mad Butcher, gathering cinnamon rolls, smoked sausage, mustard and buns. Before I left, I hurried over to the chip aisle and grabbed some pretzels and headed towards the checkout.
I was wearing my ugly yellow dirt track crocks that I've promised myself never to wear again because they are hideous. But I wear them anyways. That was a mistake.
I busted my @$$ right there in between the Doritos and Dr. Peppers. They had been mopping the floors and I had already felt the slippiness (is that a word?) underneath my awful bus-yellow shoes, but I guess I had a brain fart and forgot to be careful.
I looked like an ice skater doing a grand finale....sliding across the floor on one knee, all the way down to the Mountain Dews. I was extremely impressed with myself, though. I didn't drop one thing. Heck, I didn't even smush the cinnamon bun icing.
~Just Rambling~
My car is filthy and I gotta clean it out today. I must say it's not as bad as it has been in the past, but it's pretty funky. I said something to a friend this morning about it and said 'I don't clean my car out. Lawson does that. He gets pissed when I do it.' Then I realized that prolly made no sense.
What I meant, is there are certain things, like mowing, setting out that trash (which he didn't do last week, so there's like eight bags. blech.), and washing my car that he doesn't want me doing. He's said more than once 'I don't want people to think I make my wife mow the yard. That's my job.' When I say he gets 'mad', it's not mad, just irked, and shamed, I guess, cuz he thinks those are his chores. I'm the same way about things too...I hate him to leave the house in a wrinkled shirt or buying groceries. Those are my departments...
I'ma clean my car out today though, I promise. I also have to clean the porch b/cuz it's looking a little white-trashy, and I forgot to pay the blooming water bill. Again. Actually, who I won't mention, promised to run by there, so I just didn't think about it anymore.
What I meant, is there are certain things, like mowing, setting out that trash (which he didn't do last week, so there's like eight bags. blech.), and washing my car that he doesn't want me doing. He's said more than once 'I don't want people to think I make my wife mow the yard. That's my job.' When I say he gets 'mad', it's not mad, just irked, and shamed, I guess, cuz he thinks those are his chores. I'm the same way about things too...I hate him to leave the house in a wrinkled shirt or buying groceries. Those are my departments...
I'ma clean my car out today though, I promise. I also have to clean the porch b/cuz it's looking a little white-trashy, and I forgot to pay the blooming water bill. Again. Actually, who I won't mention, promised to run by there, so I just didn't think about it anymore.
~A smile for my sister on one of her chemo days~
I posted this one for lupus sister is in advanced stages of systematic lupus and suffers with several similar diseases.
~October is Lupus Awareness Month~
One for the girls Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done.
Five tips for a woman.....
1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.
Foot Note: One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: 'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.'
~October is Lupus Awareness Month~
One for the girls Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done.
Five tips for a woman.....
1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.
Foot Note: One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: 'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.'
~Well I woke up Sunday Mornin'...-Johnny Cash~
"Becca is great! So smart!" I know.
Wise beyond her eight years, Becca has been going to church on Sunday nights with our neighbor's daughter, her bestie. I met the preacher tonight. He's a sensible, intelligent and nice person, and I had really good vibes from him. I'm actually interested in visiting the church (For ya'll who don't know me, I'm the daughter of a die-hard Southern Baptist deacon, one of the most spiritual people I've ever met, but my dad and I vary on several religious, and well, churchy, views. I'm member of the First Baptist Church but I don't regularly attend.).
The preacher told me some great things about my daughter's spiritual development and personality when her mother isn't looming above her. After I had been griping and grouchy all day, God sent me a preacher, a complete stranger, who told me answers to prayers I've prayed my entire life. Since I was smaller than Becca, I've been praying for the salvation of my children, husband, even grandbabies. I was told to in Sunday School one time and it stuck, I guess.
I know I'm nowhere near where I should be as a role model to Becca, but the things that preacher stood out there and told me was everything my heart needed to know. I'm going to work harder than ever to show that child how to walk in Christ. From what the preacher said, she already knows alot. God has something great in store for her.
Now the funny part...
The pastor was telling me how Becca is sociable and can talk to an 80-year-old as well as she can a two-year-old. He said the first week of Awanas, she raised her hand (this was the first time ever to that church and I couldn't believe it) and said she had a 'testimony.' I do not ever remember even discussing 'testimonies' with her. He said my baby stood right up and told about giving her life to Jesus, and he'd never seen anything like it. He said that he was amazed by this little girl and went over to talk with her, asking her name, age, just small talk. He said she looked right at him and said 'Do you read EasyRider?'
I nearly fainted. I was so embarassed. "No, she didn't," is all I could muster, but I knew she had because my sister writes for EasyRider and Becca adores Amy. He laughed and said yeah, and and that Becca had told him my sister is a writer for magazines, and had wrote about Elvis' bikes. I stuttered that she isn't allowed to SEE EasyRider and she knows it's because there's skanky girls in it, and that my sister is also published in PG stuff and Becca gets THOSE copies. He was laughing so hard. I said 'What did you tell her?' He said 'I told her, yeah, I'd seen it.'
He also said last week they were talking about her being in the First Baptist choir and he asked her what music she likes and she said 'Elvis and Johnny Cash.' I love my mini-me.
Wise beyond her eight years, Becca has been going to church on Sunday nights with our neighbor's daughter, her bestie. I met the preacher tonight. He's a sensible, intelligent and nice person, and I had really good vibes from him. I'm actually interested in visiting the church (For ya'll who don't know me, I'm the daughter of a die-hard Southern Baptist deacon, one of the most spiritual people I've ever met, but my dad and I vary on several religious, and well, churchy, views. I'm member of the First Baptist Church but I don't regularly attend.).
The preacher told me some great things about my daughter's spiritual development and personality when her mother isn't looming above her. After I had been griping and grouchy all day, God sent me a preacher, a complete stranger, who told me answers to prayers I've prayed my entire life. Since I was smaller than Becca, I've been praying for the salvation of my children, husband, even grandbabies. I was told to in Sunday School one time and it stuck, I guess.
I know I'm nowhere near where I should be as a role model to Becca, but the things that preacher stood out there and told me was everything my heart needed to know. I'm going to work harder than ever to show that child how to walk in Christ. From what the preacher said, she already knows alot. God has something great in store for her.
Now the funny part...
The pastor was telling me how Becca is sociable and can talk to an 80-year-old as well as she can a two-year-old. He said the first week of Awanas, she raised her hand (this was the first time ever to that church and I couldn't believe it) and said she had a 'testimony.' I do not ever remember even discussing 'testimonies' with her. He said my baby stood right up and told about giving her life to Jesus, and he'd never seen anything like it. He said that he was amazed by this little girl and went over to talk with her, asking her name, age, just small talk. He said she looked right at him and said 'Do you read EasyRider?'
I nearly fainted. I was so embarassed. "No, she didn't," is all I could muster, but I knew she had because my sister writes for EasyRider and Becca adores Amy. He laughed and said yeah, and and that Becca had told him my sister is a writer for magazines, and had wrote about Elvis' bikes. I stuttered that she isn't allowed to SEE EasyRider and she knows it's because there's skanky girls in it, and that my sister is also published in PG stuff and Becca gets THOSE copies. He was laughing so hard. I said 'What did you tell her?' He said 'I told her, yeah, I'd seen it.'
He also said last week they were talking about her being in the First Baptist choir and he asked her what music she likes and she said 'Elvis and Johnny Cash.' I love my mini-me.
That's all I have to say about that
had the most terrifying experience of my life tonight. As we pulled up to the redlight in Pine Bluff (near the new Walmart), Chris and I happened happened to glance in the mirrors at about the same time and saw a car speeding towards us, with me sitting there applying my brakes. By the time we saw them, they were all the way on us, suddenly swerved to the left, and sped in between me and the three cars in the lane next to me. The light had been red more than a few seconds (I had already come to a complete stop and was looking back when I saw the car) and praise God they missed traffic. Thank God for whatever made that person swerve to the inside because my precious baby was sitting there in the back seat. I can't say anything more about this. Any parent would understand.
In a split second, my precious baby's life was spared. I dare anyone to try and argue divine intervention with me tonight. Thank you, God. We praise you in the name of Jesus.
After it happened, and Lawson and I had a near-meltdown because he knew exactly how close we came, we sat in Arby's parking lot in silence. My little sweetheart chimed in (she always does at the perfect moments) and said "Mommy, the radio was playing that song on the vacation movies. Ain't that weird?' That made me instantly calm down for her sake because Becca and I have giggled so many times (at the edited versions, of course) the 'holiday rooooaaad' song played on National Lampoon's vacation movies . She could probably quote you most of the Wally World movie..again, the edited version. Movies are a big 'mom and becca' thing, and she totally got the irony. I love my baby so much. That moment made me realize again how precious life really is.
She is such a mini-me and the greatest blessing in my life. I could never imagine watching Chevy Chase without my baby dunking a peanut butter sandwich in milk and giggling nearby. In that small moment I have never in my life been so thankful for my baby. I love you Becca, and I love you, God, for giving her to me and protecting us.
Another extremely odd thing that freaked me out, as far as irony goes...guess what the idiots were waving out the window when they went by? A MONTICELLO BILLIES flag!!! For those that may not know, that's our hometown and Alma Mater. Idiots headed to a footbball game....NO! Wait! What's even WORSE is: Do you KNOW where they were headed when they almost killed my baby, and us, too? WAL-MART. Do people learn nothing? There were at least three fatalities, if I'm not mistaken, in Monticello the past few weeks, and two of the deaths were a stone's throw from the Monticello Wal-Mart. Then I go to PINE BLUFF, and the Monticello idiots are driving the same way up there AFTER their town has just laid three people to rest for reckless driving??? I admit that if I EVER see that car parked somewhere, it would be worth a charge to make them not EVER forget what they almost did tonight.
A friggin' Billies flag.
In a split second, my precious baby's life was spared. I dare anyone to try and argue divine intervention with me tonight. Thank you, God. We praise you in the name of Jesus.
After it happened, and Lawson and I had a near-meltdown because he knew exactly how close we came, we sat in Arby's parking lot in silence. My little sweetheart chimed in (she always does at the perfect moments) and said "Mommy, the radio was playing that song on the vacation movies. Ain't that weird?' That made me instantly calm down for her sake because Becca and I have giggled so many times (at the edited versions, of course) the 'holiday rooooaaad' song played on National Lampoon's vacation movies . She could probably quote you most of the Wally World movie..again, the edited version. Movies are a big 'mom and becca' thing, and she totally got the irony. I love my baby so much. That moment made me realize again how precious life really is.
She is such a mini-me and the greatest blessing in my life. I could never imagine watching Chevy Chase without my baby dunking a peanut butter sandwich in milk and giggling nearby. In that small moment I have never in my life been so thankful for my baby. I love you Becca, and I love you, God, for giving her to me and protecting us.
Another extremely odd thing that freaked me out, as far as irony goes...guess what the idiots were waving out the window when they went by? A MONTICELLO BILLIES flag!!! For those that may not know, that's our hometown and Alma Mater. Idiots headed to a footbball game....NO! Wait! What's even WORSE is: Do you KNOW where they were headed when they almost killed my baby, and us, too? WAL-MART. Do people learn nothing? There were at least three fatalities, if I'm not mistaken, in Monticello the past few weeks, and two of the deaths were a stone's throw from the Monticello Wal-Mart. Then I go to PINE BLUFF, and the Monticello idiots are driving the same way up there AFTER their town has just laid three people to rest for reckless driving??? I admit that if I EVER see that car parked somewhere, it would be worth a charge to make them not EVER forget what they almost did tonight.
A friggin' Billies flag.
~Whew, I'm glad I finally got outta that class...these are old blogs, remember...~

I'm stressing over a biology lab test. A couple semesters ago, the powers that be put me in biology but not the corresponding lab, so I'm having to sit through a similar course again this semester. I was surprised at how much I DID actually retain, but that biology class was the HARDEST course I have EVER taken....I got through it, though, and now I'm struggling through the lab. Science and my brain doesn't play well together, and I think it's quite unfortunate because I DO find biology interesting, especially the lab...I just have a hard time with words such as hemicellulose and especially tonight's topic....what IS THIS CRAP????
Predict what would happen if you mixed sufficient water with the 500 mOs sample shown above to reduce its osmolarity to about 300 mOs.
I have tried to blog at least a dozen times, but myspace has been giving me fits. As you can see, I'm in the halloween mood, one of my favorite holidays, mostly because of the lack of stress compared to some of the other ones. I adore Autumn, too!
Other news....
We are through racing, but I had such a GREAT time watching all my friends and riding with Chris and am actually looking forward to next year, which surprises me. Racing and I have had a love-hate relationship because of the time and stress involved with it, not to mention 100 degree weather and dusty boogers. It's Chris' passion, and therefore, I like it, too, for his benefit and try to support it. I'm thankful for this season because I've mellowed out and learned to enjoy it alot more without worrying so much about the dangers and whatnot...
Predict what would happen if you mixed sufficient water with the 500 mOs sample shown above to reduce its osmolarity to about 300 mOs.
I have tried to blog at least a dozen times, but myspace has been giving me fits. As you can see, I'm in the halloween mood, one of my favorite holidays, mostly because of the lack of stress compared to some of the other ones. I adore Autumn, too!
Other news....
We are through racing, but I had such a GREAT time watching all my friends and riding with Chris and am actually looking forward to next year, which surprises me. Racing and I have had a love-hate relationship because of the time and stress involved with it, not to mention 100 degree weather and dusty boogers. It's Chris' passion, and therefore, I like it, too, for his benefit and try to support it. I'm thankful for this season because I've mellowed out and learned to enjoy it alot more without worrying so much about the dangers and whatnot...
~My first ride in the Mustang~
~Parental and Prude Discretion Advised~
Since I don't know WHO all knows, I might as well finish the 'job' and tell ya'll too in the process of letting my track buddies on here and anyone that owns a CB radio in Drew County who may have heard it know that I was NOT doing THAT two weeks ago...
I rode with Lawson in a Mustang when he raced a couple of Saturdays ago, and we finished third btw (he got second the week before...YAY!). It's a four cylinder class, and safety harnesses aren't required yet because you are not going any faster than you would be on Hwy. 425 during rush hour. Lawson is putting racing seats in, but most people in that class don't have them. In the last minutes before the race, I jacked Shane Endsley's firesuit and helmet and hopped in with Lawson.
Waiting for the other class to finish their race, Lawson ran through quick instructions about how to brace myself if we hit the wall, or someone else, and showed me where to put my hands so they wouldn't be crushed between the roll cage and car body. He told me to brace myself, lean in, and put my right hand on the roll cage in front of the glove box area while I grip the waist of my seatbelt with my left hand. When we finally pulled onto the track after a lengthy wait, I had forgotten most of what he told me because I had realized that at those moments I had to go to the bathroom worse than I ever had to in my whole life, even worse than at Riverfront Park during whatever Days they have up there...what's it called?...anyways, the huge annual thing and I had to go soooo bad because I had drank about 40 of those huge cups of Dr. Pepper. That was the longest stretch of portapotties I believe I ever looked like a milelong train of pooh, and I gagged all the way to the end. I have a mental block against those things and would rather risk a bee sting on my bum in the woods somewhere.
I saw the cars on the track slow down and exit....I yelled to Lawson through the helmet and said 'OMGosh I hafta pee.' 'It's gonna be awhile,' he yelled back, slid his helmet visor down, and pulled onto the track.
My first time of being in a racecar after being at the dirt track with a slew of racers nearly every weekend, and I made a total fool of myself. I didn't urinate, and I didn't do what they thought I did, either....
When we went green and headed into Turn 1, I thought about my fat tail snapping the old seatbelt and flying straight out the window....assuming I would be able to fit through. I remember he said 'Lean', so I LEANED, ya'll.
I had soooo much fun! I loved it! I've been riding with Lawson's lead foot for years and wasn't scared at all, aside from the concern of the seatbelt snapping. In the straightaways I'd lean up and in the turns, lean back over towards Lawson. I do remember ducking a few times when cars were side by side with us, so I wonder if that is what everyone was talking about...
After the race, my bestie came up and said 'Do you have any idea what you looked like with that big ol' helmet leaned over in his lap? hahahaha' I didn't think much about it.
Then Lawson came back from his sponsor's trailer and said 'in a roundabout way, Jimmy asked what you were doing....' I found it odd that two separate groups of people had their minds in the gutter, but thought they were just picking at me.
This morning, I went to Monticello and ran into one of my cousins who works at the track. He informs me that the radio chatter concerned not cautions or black flags, but who the chick in the blue Mustang was. There is NO WAY my head was that far down! 'Are you kidding me???' I asked, but I knew he wasn't due to my prior conversations. No, he said. He said they had a bet going. I'm so shamed. At least I'm not a pit hopper and I've been married to my hubby for 12 years, but I'm still mortified.
Since I don't know WHO all knows, I might as well finish the 'job' and tell ya'll too in the process of letting my track buddies on here and anyone that owns a CB radio in Drew County who may have heard it know that I was NOT doing THAT two weeks ago...
I rode with Lawson in a Mustang when he raced a couple of Saturdays ago, and we finished third btw (he got second the week before...YAY!). It's a four cylinder class, and safety harnesses aren't required yet because you are not going any faster than you would be on Hwy. 425 during rush hour. Lawson is putting racing seats in, but most people in that class don't have them. In the last minutes before the race, I jacked Shane Endsley's firesuit and helmet and hopped in with Lawson.
Waiting for the other class to finish their race, Lawson ran through quick instructions about how to brace myself if we hit the wall, or someone else, and showed me where to put my hands so they wouldn't be crushed between the roll cage and car body. He told me to brace myself, lean in, and put my right hand on the roll cage in front of the glove box area while I grip the waist of my seatbelt with my left hand. When we finally pulled onto the track after a lengthy wait, I had forgotten most of what he told me because I had realized that at those moments I had to go to the bathroom worse than I ever had to in my whole life, even worse than at Riverfront Park during whatever Days they have up there...what's it called?...anyways, the huge annual thing and I had to go soooo bad because I had drank about 40 of those huge cups of Dr. Pepper. That was the longest stretch of portapotties I believe I ever looked like a milelong train of pooh, and I gagged all the way to the end. I have a mental block against those things and would rather risk a bee sting on my bum in the woods somewhere.
I saw the cars on the track slow down and exit....I yelled to Lawson through the helmet and said 'OMGosh I hafta pee.' 'It's gonna be awhile,' he yelled back, slid his helmet visor down, and pulled onto the track.
My first time of being in a racecar after being at the dirt track with a slew of racers nearly every weekend, and I made a total fool of myself. I didn't urinate, and I didn't do what they thought I did, either....
When we went green and headed into Turn 1, I thought about my fat tail snapping the old seatbelt and flying straight out the window....assuming I would be able to fit through. I remember he said 'Lean', so I LEANED, ya'll.
I had soooo much fun! I loved it! I've been riding with Lawson's lead foot for years and wasn't scared at all, aside from the concern of the seatbelt snapping. In the straightaways I'd lean up and in the turns, lean back over towards Lawson. I do remember ducking a few times when cars were side by side with us, so I wonder if that is what everyone was talking about...
After the race, my bestie came up and said 'Do you have any idea what you looked like with that big ol' helmet leaned over in his lap? hahahaha' I didn't think much about it.
Then Lawson came back from his sponsor's trailer and said 'in a roundabout way, Jimmy asked what you were doing....' I found it odd that two separate groups of people had their minds in the gutter, but thought they were just picking at me.
This morning, I went to Monticello and ran into one of my cousins who works at the track. He informs me that the radio chatter concerned not cautions or black flags, but who the chick in the blue Mustang was. There is NO WAY my head was that far down! 'Are you kidding me???' I asked, but I knew he wasn't due to my prior conversations. No, he said. He said they had a bet going. I'm so shamed. At least I'm not a pit hopper and I've been married to my hubby for 12 years, but I'm still mortified.
~Grease is the Word....Chucks is the other one~
I have discovered the roots to my Converse passion, and it's never even occurred to me until tonight. 'Grease is the word...'
Those who find themselv
es fortunate enough to gaze upon my beauty in photo albums since childhood (hahaha) will discover there are random spells of Chuck Taylor Converses scattered throughout. In some periods of my life, you may find them nearly as often as you see freckles. The day my sister was married (I was 16, I think), there are in existence pictures of the toes of my Chucks are poking out from underneath my pink satin bridesmaid gown....during the reception, of course. They made me wear crappy shoes for the actual ceremony.
My daughter shares the same love for the movie (the edited version!) that I have always held. Perhaps to blame is the months during my pregnancy of being stuck on bedrest, which would find me bored and sick of talking on the phone and daytime television. I often found myself reading those gigantic 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' volumes and watching old movies (I actually mean 'nonrecent releases.' What may be considered 'old' defines such favorites as Gone with the Wind, but could be as recent as Friday and Sixteen Candles).
We were giggling and singing every word of Sandy and Danny's high school
days as the 25th anniversary DVD lasered away tonight when she suddenly looked down at her tiny black Chucks (a nickname affectionally derived generations ago after the basketball player Chuck Taylor, who sent the shoe brand's popularity worldwide with his marketing ideas generations ago), and then looked at me with her big blue eyes and said, 'Mommy! Look at all the Chucks in this movie!'
That's when I realized why I had always been partial to Chucks. Grease was my absolute favorite movie of all time for at least a decade of my younger life, and I'm a diehard Grease enthusiast (along with Blues Brothers, Forrest Gump and countless other movies, books and songs). Watch the movie closely, and I think you'll agree there's more than enough evidence here, especially if you're one of the lucky souls to have had the privilege of knowing me personally. Grease was definitely where this whole 'Converse' shoe thing with me started. They aren't shallow attempts at showcasing emo, sporty, trendy or fashionable aspects of my personality. They are just me.
Those who find themselv

My daughter shares the same love for the movie (the edited version!) that I have always held. Perhaps to blame is the months during my pregnancy of being stuck on bedrest, which would find me bored and sick of talking on the phone and daytime television. I often found myself reading those gigantic 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' volumes and watching old movies (I actually mean 'nonrecent releases.' What may be considered 'old' defines such favorites as Gone with the Wind, but could be as recent as Friday and Sixteen Candles).
We were giggling and singing every word of Sandy and Danny's high school

That's when I realized why I had always been partial to Chucks. Grease was my absolute favorite movie of all time for at least a decade of my younger life, and I'm a diehard Grease enthusiast (along with Blues Brothers, Forrest Gump and countless other movies, books and songs). Watch the movie closely, and I think you'll agree there's more than enough evidence here, especially if you're one of the lucky souls to have had the privilege of knowing me personally. Grease was definitely where this whole 'Converse' shoe thing with me started. They aren't shallow attempts at showcasing emo, sporty, trendy or fashionable aspects of my personality. They are just me.
~What a rotten day~
Okay, this is the 3rd time I've tried to write this...
I picked a heck of a day to try and build a new blog. It's been rotten for me. I look at the time...8:59 p.m....I know if I go to sleep now, which is all I've wanted to do all day, I'll be back up by 11, and that'll mess me up the rest of the night.
I've posted some of my older blogs, and I'll post a few more, but I wanted to tell some of you bloggers that I'm sorry. I freaked a few weeks ago because I had major things going on with my life, my blogs, and a few of my friends were arguing back and forth with a bunch of people on my page....I didn't want to be accused of being party to the drama, and basically I just had a bad few days about privacy and deleted a bunch of people until things calmed down and I quit freaking. I'm over it now, and I'd love for everyone to be back on my Myspace page, so you can add me if you want. If you are offended, I apologize...I've been traveling roads I've never been down before...that noone's ever been down before... and it's been tough for me to handle.
I picked a heck of a day to try and build a new blog. It's been rotten for me. I look at the time...8:59 p.m....I know if I go to sleep now, which is all I've wanted to do all day, I'll be back up by 11, and that'll mess me up the rest of the night.
I've posted some of my older blogs, and I'll post a few more, but I wanted to tell some of you bloggers that I'm sorry. I freaked a few weeks ago because I had major things going on with my life, my blogs, and a few of my friends were arguing back and forth with a bunch of people on my page....I didn't want to be accused of being party to the drama, and basically I just had a bad few days about privacy and deleted a bunch of people until things calmed down and I quit freaking. I'm over it now, and I'd love for everyone to be back on my Myspace page, so you can add me if you want. If you are offended, I apologize...I've been traveling roads I've never been down before...that noone's ever been down before... and it's been tough for me to handle.
~August 21, 2008~
Okay, I'm going to stop here for the day. From here down were some of my myspace posts from the past year, until August 21, the day that changed my life....
I'll tell ya about that very soon. If I do it now, if I go past this date in my archives, I'll get all wound up, and I've spent all day trying to calm down, trying to stop crying....
I'll tell ya about that very soon. If I do it now, if I go past this date in my archives, I'll get all wound up, and I've spent all day trying to calm down, trying to stop crying....
~I have attention deficit disorder~
3) D0NT GET MAD (L0OK AT 15)
5) FIRST (L0OK AT 2)
12) S0RRY (L0OK AT 8)
I blogged it because I wanted to ask you this...How does your brain feel after reading that?? Jumbled and drained? THAT is how children with ADD/ADHD feel sometimes.
3) D0NT GET MAD (L0OK AT 15)
5) FIRST (L0OK AT 2)
12) S0RRY (L0OK AT 8)
I blogged it because I wanted to ask you this...How does your brain feel after reading that?? Jumbled and drained? THAT is how children with ADD/ADHD feel sometimes.
~And how my bad day turned out (part 2 of 'having a bad day)
All ritey...I have to give a follow-up on my day. It started out with me anticipating a bad time, as I blogged this morning.
I headed straight for 'no anxiety' Bible verses, but I still felt like dung when I left the house. Becca had also woken up grumpy, which set me back at least half an hour before I even got going.
I had to go to UAM and deal with registration. I had dropped the ball at the end of the Spring semester and was so burned out I didn't even get my grades because I figured I had bombed. That meant more stress registering, and I had prepared myself for all kind of words like 'fail', 'academic denial' and 'petitions to student affairs.' I dreaded even opening that can of worms.
On top of that, the most malicious branch of my family tree shook a few leaves around my day around 6ish this morning, and I knew I had to go spend the day where I get my most stressed (If you don't already know and would like to inquire further out of sheer confusion on this paragraph, email me).
With my list of chores, I repeated the 'do not worry' verse about half a dozen times in the short drive to the college and my mom's house, feeling my blood pressure and dread rise by the minute.
BUT, when I made it to UAM, I found out that not only had I NOT bombed last semester like I had suspected, but I did pretty good and am set to start school in a few weeks with not one piece of paperwork. ~WoW~ God took care of that one, and I felt a little silly for worrying in the first place.
Then, as I cleaned the surroundings of my family tree, ran errands, just interacted with my closest branch in general, took my daddy shopping, and completed one chore after another, I realized that my day was going pretty darned good. As a matter of fact, this was the first day I didn't want to scream, pull my hair out and flee to Warren five minutes after I arrived. I had to laugh a little when I realized God had handled this one, too.
On top of my first-ever pleasant day there, I met a lady when I took my dad to Wal-Mart that was the live-in nurse for my aunt, who I'm studying and writing a book about. As a matter of fact, my writings of this particular story could not have been completed without a firsthand source for the years this lady was there. She is the ink in my pen, if you will, and was totally excited when I asked her to let me interview her. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE TO MY PUZZLE AND BETTER THAN THE CHUCK TAYLORS I'M NOT GONNA GET ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Other good things happened, too, like I had a chance to hang out with Mandy, my bestie, a few minutes this morning; I saw my lil Megan, my cousin who lives in Star City, my dad and I had a BLAST when we went to town...just me and him time and I adore him SO much; I talked to a couple of my closest friends while I ran errands around town (and I saw Jennifer Prince, too, but I didn't get to talk to her, so that kinda sucked, but at least I saw her!); and in general, just had a great blooming day.
So moral of the story....when God tells us things like not to worry and we plant the seed of His word in our heart, that seed will be sown if we keep it in our hearts, even when we aren't feeling it at first. My seed blossomed into a beautiful day where weeds and thorns often leave me lost and injured....right smack dab underneath my family tree in a little place that was named after another, more famous plantation (Thomas Jefferson's place, actually): Monticello.
All ritey...I have to give a follow-up on my day. It started out with me anticipating a bad time, as I blogged this morning.
I headed straight for 'no anxiety' Bible verses, but I still felt like dung when I left the house. Becca had also woken up grumpy, which set me back at least half an hour before I even got going.
I had to go to UAM and deal with registration. I had dropped the ball at the end of the Spring semester and was so burned out I didn't even get my grades because I figured I had bombed. That meant more stress registering, and I had prepared myself for all kind of words like 'fail', 'academic denial' and 'petitions to student affairs.' I dreaded even opening that can of worms.
On top of that, the most malicious branch of my family tree shook a few leaves around my day around 6ish this morning, and I knew I had to go spend the day where I get my most stressed (If you don't already know and would like to inquire further out of sheer confusion on this paragraph, email me).
With my list of chores, I repeated the 'do not worry' verse about half a dozen times in the short drive to the college and my mom's house, feeling my blood pressure and dread rise by the minute.
BUT, when I made it to UAM, I found out that not only had I NOT bombed last semester like I had suspected, but I did pretty good and am set to start school in a few weeks with not one piece of paperwork. ~WoW~ God took care of that one, and I felt a little silly for worrying in the first place.
Then, as I cleaned the surroundings of my family tree, ran errands, just interacted with my closest branch in general, took my daddy shopping, and completed one chore after another, I realized that my day was going pretty darned good. As a matter of fact, this was the first day I didn't want to scream, pull my hair out and flee to Warren five minutes after I arrived. I had to laugh a little when I realized God had handled this one, too.
On top of my first-ever pleasant day there, I met a lady when I took my dad to Wal-Mart that was the live-in nurse for my aunt, who I'm studying and writing a book about. As a matter of fact, my writings of this particular story could not have been completed without a firsthand source for the years this lady was there. She is the ink in my pen, if you will, and was totally excited when I asked her to let me interview her. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE TO MY PUZZLE AND BETTER THAN THE CHUCK TAYLORS I'M NOT GONNA GET ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Other good things happened, too, like I had a chance to hang out with Mandy, my bestie, a few minutes this morning; I saw my lil Megan, my cousin who lives in Star City, my dad and I had a BLAST when we went to town...just me and him time and I adore him SO much; I talked to a couple of my closest friends while I ran errands around town (and I saw Jennifer Prince, too, but I didn't get to talk to her, so that kinda sucked, but at least I saw her!); and in general, just had a great blooming day.
So moral of the story....when God tells us things like not to worry and we plant the seed of His word in our heart, that seed will be sown if we keep it in our hearts, even when we aren't feeling it at first. My seed blossomed into a beautiful day where weeds and thorns often leave me lost and injured....right smack dab underneath my family tree in a little place that was named after another, more famous plantation (Thomas Jefferson's place, actually): Monticello.
~Havin' a bad day~
Matthew 6:25-34
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[a]?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
This is one of my favorite passages, and I have leaned on its comfort many times. I went straight to it this morning for peace, as I awoke incredibly anxious. This passage has helped me so many times when I've worried about everything from not having enough groceries to shut off notices. While I read it this morning, though, I enjoyed the familarity, love & common sense I found in it, but I still felt anxiety rippling through my body, dread through my mind, and nervousness in even my arms and down into my fingers as I sat here and typed.
My mind keeps saying 'Yeah, but it says 'don't worry about tommorrow''s today that's got me trippin'.' Then right after that thought, I'm telling myself, 'Sure, this verse is great for money problems, but what I'm having anxiety about is college and mothers. It doesn't saying ANYTHING about those things.'
I know the passage actually covers even drawing my next breath, but my stubborn little spirit isn't ready to let go of the anxiety that my day holds. That's my problem. It's nothing too big, but I tend to shut down and find migraines when dealing with the things I have to deal with today. Nothing stresses me out more than college registration besides my dear mother. I love her, but she makes me insane. LOL
I'm just gonna saddle up, and jump in and get it all done today. I'll be busy and don't see myself having the time to repeat THAT huge passage over and over in my head, so I found a shorter one with the same message that I'm going to try out as I practice not getting stressed, anxious, or angry while completing my daily responsibilities:
Phillipian 4:6 says "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. "
Perhaps, though, this next one will serve me even better....
'Thou shalt not murder." Deuteronomy 5:17
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[a]?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
This is one of my favorite passages, and I have leaned on its comfort many times. I went straight to it this morning for peace, as I awoke incredibly anxious. This passage has helped me so many times when I've worried about everything from not having enough groceries to shut off notices. While I read it this morning, though, I enjoyed the familarity, love & common sense I found in it, but I still felt anxiety rippling through my body, dread through my mind, and nervousness in even my arms and down into my fingers as I sat here and typed.
My mind keeps saying 'Yeah, but it says 'don't worry about tommorrow''s today that's got me trippin'.' Then right after that thought, I'm telling myself, 'Sure, this verse is great for money problems, but what I'm having anxiety about is college and mothers. It doesn't saying ANYTHING about those things.'
I know the passage actually covers even drawing my next breath, but my stubborn little spirit isn't ready to let go of the anxiety that my day holds. That's my problem. It's nothing too big, but I tend to shut down and find migraines when dealing with the things I have to deal with today. Nothing stresses me out more than college registration besides my dear mother. I love her, but she makes me insane. LOL
I'm just gonna saddle up, and jump in and get it all done today. I'll be busy and don't see myself having the time to repeat THAT huge passage over and over in my head, so I found a shorter one with the same message that I'm going to try out as I practice not getting stressed, anxious, or angry while completing my daily responsibilities:
Phillipian 4:6 says "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. "
Perhaps, though, this next one will serve me even better....
'Thou shalt not murder." Deuteronomy 5:17
~One of those surveys and how I answered it...~
What's your favorite color?
"Till things are brighter, I'm the man in black." ~Johnny Cash
What's your favorite animal?
"I woke up in the middle of the night last night, thinking about how I'm well on my way to becoming a cougar. Except probably not as hot as Demi though... " ~Christine Griffin
Who's your role model?
"The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy." ~Frenchie (Grease)
How many siblings do you have?
"If evil is inevitable, how are the wicked accountable? Nay, why do we call them wicked at all?" ~Horace Mann
How many people live in your house?
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life...." ~Robert Frost
How many animals do you have"I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it." ~Abe Lincoln
Where do you live(trailor, mansion, regular house )?
"To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labor tends, and of which every desire prompts the prosecution." ~Samuel Johnson
Who is your most valuable friend?"
And when I need to lift my spirits, Kermie can always do the trick." ~ Rich Little
Which friends do you hang out with the most?
"The atmosphere seems to change once the sun goes down and the race fans get to watch a good show." ~Dale Earnhardt
How many best friends do/did you have?
"A girl's legs are her best friends, but the best of friends must part." ~ Redd Foxx
How many friends have moved out of your city?
"All my exes live in Texas." ~George Strait
Would you rather have...coke or sprite?
"I was putting peanuts in my coke" ~Barbara Mandrell
Lunch or dinner?
"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." ~Hannibal Lector
A sister or brother?
"She's the queen of the silver dollar, she rules the Smoky Kingdom. Her sceptor is a wine glass, and a barstool is her throne. Now the jesters flock around her, trying to win her favor..." ~Dave and Sugar, then later, Dr. Hook
Mcdonalds or Burger King?
"I haven't eaten at a McDonald's since I became President." ~Billy Clinton
Boyfreind or friend?
"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." ~Buddha
Hug or kiss?
"When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!" ~Bobby Knight
Pinch or poke?
"Smile, it's better than a poke in the eye." ~ Doug Horton
Clown or doll?
"I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments." ~Jim Morrison
"Till things are brighter, I'm the man in black." ~Johnny Cash
What's your favorite animal?
"I woke up in the middle of the night last night, thinking about how I'm well on my way to becoming a cougar. Except probably not as hot as Demi though... " ~Christine Griffin
Who's your role model?
"The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy." ~Frenchie (Grease)
How many siblings do you have?
"If evil is inevitable, how are the wicked accountable? Nay, why do we call them wicked at all?" ~Horace Mann
How many people live in your house?
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life...." ~Robert Frost
How many animals do you have"I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it." ~Abe Lincoln
Where do you live(trailor, mansion, regular house )?
"To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labor tends, and of which every desire prompts the prosecution." ~Samuel Johnson
Who is your most valuable friend?"
And when I need to lift my spirits, Kermie can always do the trick." ~ Rich Little
Which friends do you hang out with the most?
"The atmosphere seems to change once the sun goes down and the race fans get to watch a good show." ~Dale Earnhardt
How many best friends do/did you have?
"A girl's legs are her best friends, but the best of friends must part." ~ Redd Foxx
How many friends have moved out of your city?
"All my exes live in Texas." ~George Strait
Would you rather have...coke or sprite?
"I was putting peanuts in my coke" ~Barbara Mandrell
Lunch or dinner?
"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." ~Hannibal Lector
A sister or brother?
"She's the queen of the silver dollar, she rules the Smoky Kingdom. Her sceptor is a wine glass, and a barstool is her throne. Now the jesters flock around her, trying to win her favor..." ~Dave and Sugar, then later, Dr. Hook
Mcdonalds or Burger King?
"I haven't eaten at a McDonald's since I became President." ~Billy Clinton
Boyfreind or friend?
"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." ~Buddha
Hug or kiss?
"When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!" ~Bobby Knight
Pinch or poke?
"Smile, it's better than a poke in the eye." ~ Doug Horton
Clown or doll?
"I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments." ~Jim Morrison
I wrote this months ago...
and haven't read it until today. I really needed to hear what I said. LOL
"This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."- Jeremiah 33:2-3
My third blog of the evening, I've explained my goal, my 'mission', if you will, and while I've written two blogs, my thirst of writing still had not been quenched.
At a loss as to what I wanted to write, I went to an online Bible site and found the above passage, their 'verse of the day.'
Those few words spoke volumes to me. I'm torn in so many directions right now, as far as school, work and my future is concerned. There are so many unanswered questions and confusing decisions to be made, not to mention worries that my ignorance will cause me to fail in any endeavour I attempt to embark upon.
And right there, in black and white, a simple reminder that it's not my job to have the answers. That's God's job, and He promises me things that I don't know, he will teach me.
The One that created the world, that keeps us spinning on its axle, is the same One who will give me answers as I need them. He forms my future, not me, or college hours or employers. He gives me knowledge, not me, college professors or work experience. He will be the One to bestow blessings upon my life, not me, edcuation or paychecks.
He knows all things in the world, and wisdom through Christ is neverending. My thirst for writing still hasn't been satisfied, but I have a greater thirst...I crave knowledge, I look forward to learning, and I'm excited about my future, and the wrinkles, bills and realized ignorance that comes with it.
Thank God I have Him to lead me over the next few months, because I can't even make it to the grocery store without forgetting where I'm supposed to be going.
"This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."- Jeremiah 33:2-3
My third blog of the evening, I've explained my goal, my 'mission', if you will, and while I've written two blogs, my thirst of writing still had not been quenched.
At a loss as to what I wanted to write, I went to an online Bible site and found the above passage, their 'verse of the day.'
Those few words spoke volumes to me. I'm torn in so many directions right now, as far as school, work and my future is concerned. There are so many unanswered questions and confusing decisions to be made, not to mention worries that my ignorance will cause me to fail in any endeavour I attempt to embark upon.
And right there, in black and white, a simple reminder that it's not my job to have the answers. That's God's job, and He promises me things that I don't know, he will teach me.
The One that created the world, that keeps us spinning on its axle, is the same One who will give me answers as I need them. He forms my future, not me, or college hours or employers. He gives me knowledge, not me, college professors or work experience. He will be the One to bestow blessings upon my life, not me, edcuation or paychecks.
He knows all things in the world, and wisdom through Christ is neverending. My thirst for writing still hasn't been satisfied, but I have a greater thirst...I crave knowledge, I look forward to learning, and I'm excited about my future, and the wrinkles, bills and realized ignorance that comes with it.
Thank God I have Him to lead me over the next few months, because I can't even make it to the grocery store without forgetting where I'm supposed to be going.
~The Bible, Johnny Cash & Fishnets~
So what swims in my mind this evening is this....
Are fishnets a sin? I totally have a thing for fishnets, and whilst I understand that FISHNETS aren't, the question I'm truly pondering is how much of my personality will I be giving up?
As I'm venturing into getting myself right, I wonder what about me will change. I guess we shall see. Is it okay to still love Janis Joplin, even though she died of a drug overdose, or will I be seen as a hypocrit? I'm a very laid-back person, and I see good in most all things. I'm not exactly the person you'd see sitting next to you in Sunday School, and Johnny Cash's Sunday Morning Coming Down does just as much for my soul as Amazing Grace.
But maybe that's part of God's calling. Maybe my oddities are part of the tools God has instilled in me.
I wonder if He wants a witness that is different from all others, one who doesn't mind admitting that there's dirty laundry in the washer when she goes to bed at night and dishes in the sink when she wakes up in the morning.
I haven't read too many devotionals where the writer willingly admits that she had smoked more pot than Cheech or cursed more than a frustrated sailor. I believe, though, that's the whole point of the Prodigal Son. The one who had once ventured into the world is many times more blessed than the ones who never ventured there. Of course, it's a great thing never to stray from God, but those of us who have gain wisdom, understanding and respect for our Father's power for having been there and being brought back. Our robes may be ripped and stained, but we are certain the greatest place really is in the shadow of the Father. Blessings taste so much sweeter after you've tasted the bile of the rest of the world.
Perhaps a witness that listens to Tom Petty can reach someone that a Amy Grant fan could never get through a conversation with.
I'm not going to worry about whether it's right or wrong, the Holy Spirit is telling me that He'll take care of all that in due time.
But I still have to wonder...can I wear fishnets to church?
Are fishnets a sin? I totally have a thing for fishnets, and whilst I understand that FISHNETS aren't, the question I'm truly pondering is how much of my personality will I be giving up?
As I'm venturing into getting myself right, I wonder what about me will change. I guess we shall see. Is it okay to still love Janis Joplin, even though she died of a drug overdose, or will I be seen as a hypocrit? I'm a very laid-back person, and I see good in most all things. I'm not exactly the person you'd see sitting next to you in Sunday School, and Johnny Cash's Sunday Morning Coming Down does just as much for my soul as Amazing Grace.
But maybe that's part of God's calling. Maybe my oddities are part of the tools God has instilled in me.
I wonder if He wants a witness that is different from all others, one who doesn't mind admitting that there's dirty laundry in the washer when she goes to bed at night and dishes in the sink when she wakes up in the morning.
I haven't read too many devotionals where the writer willingly admits that she had smoked more pot than Cheech or cursed more than a frustrated sailor. I believe, though, that's the whole point of the Prodigal Son. The one who had once ventured into the world is many times more blessed than the ones who never ventured there. Of course, it's a great thing never to stray from God, but those of us who have gain wisdom, understanding and respect for our Father's power for having been there and being brought back. Our robes may be ripped and stained, but we are certain the greatest place really is in the shadow of the Father. Blessings taste so much sweeter after you've tasted the bile of the rest of the world.
Perhaps a witness that listens to Tom Petty can reach someone that a Amy Grant fan could never get through a conversation with.
I'm not going to worry about whether it's right or wrong, the Holy Spirit is telling me that He'll take care of all that in due time.
But I still have to wonder...can I wear fishnets to church?
~The Pee Blog~
I woke this morning to the sounds of Lawson running late for work...I had left his work clothes on the bedroom door, but forgot to lay out his unmentionables last nite before I went to bed, so when I woke up, he was opening his undies and sock drawers...big wooden drawers underneath our bed.
He kissed me goodbye and rushed down outside, and I rolled of bed. My left foot landed in the top drawer - that he had accidently left open.
My foot twisted around backwards, and the drawer slammed shut on it. I have no idea where my other leg disappeared to while all this was going on, but it didn't help me at all.
Drawers slammed around, brass handles clanged, and after what seemed like forever,my right shoulder landed on the floor, shortly followed by my a**. My mid-section however, didn't hit the ended up across the corner of the bottom drawer, also open.
I am quite the clumsy one and shall be the first to admit it. I don't normally whine, or even tell people, about my slips and falls. But this one made me cry. It hurt like foot, ankle, big toe on my other foot (wtf? how did it get hurt? it wasn't anywhere to be found! 'Serves ya right,' I thought.), left wrist, and right hand....
I put a small red lump on my forehead from the wall, tore a piece of tiny little piece of flesh from my right pinkie on the baseboard of the wall, jarred my back, and my shoulder still ain't feelin' rite.
So, as revenge to my beloved, I shall share with you HIS brain fart of the week....
He was helping me clean out my car Sunday while Ben and Becca were nearby swimming in the pool that reminds me of a big ol blue witchpot, like we're cookin' kids in the backyard..the green and orange neon floats even look a little like giant carrot and celery sticks floating around with em....anyways....
I had gone inside and when I came out, Lawson was standing between the car door and the pool and had this brownish purple crap smeared all over his chest....'this mess is sticky, but it smells good,' he said, smelling the stuff all over his hands and fingers. It was darker than any lotion I had ever used. I was confused.
He was standing there in his swimming trunks holding a little know the little samples of tanning lotion from the salon that are about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide? I buy those, and he had found one in the car and put it on. As I got closer to him, the scent of grape grew stronger and stronger.
I took the package from him and looked at it....on the last day of school, Becca's class had gone to the IMAX in Little Rock....Lawson had smeared this smushed up grape crap that the teachers had given the kids as a snack all over him thinkin' it was my tanning lotion.
I feel totally justified, by the way, in the telling of this IMAX tale because he has taken pure joy for years in telling everyone that even mentioned that place about the time decades ago when I peed on myself there. Yeah, I just said on the Internet that I peed on myself at the grand opening of the IMAX in Little Rock, AR. It's not the stupidest thing I've done, is it, Chris? And that was his fault, too. He wanted to go upstairs and I had to pee, so he told me he had already been up there and saw a bathroom. When there wasn't one on the second level, he said it was quicker to the third level than back down to the first level...and I believed it! LOL
You can see where this is going, I'm sure....I knew I couldn't make it all the way down to the first level. I was criss-crossing my legs and bending my knuckles were white from holding on to the brass railing around the shuttle (or whatever the hell it was...I didn't pay attention. I HAD TO PEE!!!) on display. Lawson opened the only door up there, with huge yellow and black 'do not enter' signs on it. I was beginning to panic, but trying to whisper at the same time so the middle-school class on tour behind me wouldn't hear. "NO! We'll get caught!"
Lawson peeked inside and said "COME on! There's a bathroom right there! I told you there was one up here." I managed to get thru the door stooped over, knees still together, looked up and there was nothing but, I swear to you, a coke machine, two plastic coke crates, and two doors.
I immeidately sat on the crate just to get my groupings so I could make it over to the bathroom door, but it wasn't even a bathroom door! It was a locked office, and when Lawson threw the other door open, he almost fell off a ledge! The IMAX is also an aircraft museum, and there was a door, like a loading door or something, just up in the air in the side of the building. He looked like Clark Griswold at the Hoover Dam (Nat'l Lampoon's Vegas Vacation). He slammed the door and turned around - his eyes were about to pop outta his head, and I just lost it. We both fell out laughing and I felt it right there on the brink...."OMG! I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!!" I said, and I laughed till I cried. And peed everywhere.
In conclusion, Lawson had to go downstairs and buy me a pair of little kid shorts to wear back home commando...we were with my PARENTS, I might add. And when I got down to the lobby and whispered to my mom why I had on a new pair of shorts, my dad goes, "YOU PEED? MY GOD, JAYME," and joined in with Lawson & everyone else in there.
ANYWAYS, since I'm clownin' on Lawson today, I'll give him props, too....he's only been service manager a few months & is hearing good at work...he's doing great & I'm so proud of him! The stress is gettin' him, tho...maybe tonite I'll try to relieve the tension and give him a massage with mashed up, rotten fruit. He seems to like that. But I promise not to pee on him.
He kissed me goodbye and rushed down outside, and I rolled of bed. My left foot landed in the top drawer - that he had accidently left open.
My foot twisted around backwards, and the drawer slammed shut on it. I have no idea where my other leg disappeared to while all this was going on, but it didn't help me at all.
Drawers slammed around, brass handles clanged, and after what seemed like forever,my right shoulder landed on the floor, shortly followed by my a**. My mid-section however, didn't hit the ended up across the corner of the bottom drawer, also open.
I am quite the clumsy one and shall be the first to admit it. I don't normally whine, or even tell people, about my slips and falls. But this one made me cry. It hurt like foot, ankle, big toe on my other foot (wtf? how did it get hurt? it wasn't anywhere to be found! 'Serves ya right,' I thought.), left wrist, and right hand....
I put a small red lump on my forehead from the wall, tore a piece of tiny little piece of flesh from my right pinkie on the baseboard of the wall, jarred my back, and my shoulder still ain't feelin' rite.
So, as revenge to my beloved, I shall share with you HIS brain fart of the week....
He was helping me clean out my car Sunday while Ben and Becca were nearby swimming in the pool that reminds me of a big ol blue witchpot, like we're cookin' kids in the backyard..the green and orange neon floats even look a little like giant carrot and celery sticks floating around with em....anyways....
I had gone inside and when I came out, Lawson was standing between the car door and the pool and had this brownish purple crap smeared all over his chest....'this mess is sticky, but it smells good,' he said, smelling the stuff all over his hands and fingers. It was darker than any lotion I had ever used. I was confused.
He was standing there in his swimming trunks holding a little know the little samples of tanning lotion from the salon that are about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide? I buy those, and he had found one in the car and put it on. As I got closer to him, the scent of grape grew stronger and stronger.
I took the package from him and looked at it....on the last day of school, Becca's class had gone to the IMAX in Little Rock....Lawson had smeared this smushed up grape crap that the teachers had given the kids as a snack all over him thinkin' it was my tanning lotion.
I feel totally justified, by the way, in the telling of this IMAX tale because he has taken pure joy for years in telling everyone that even mentioned that place about the time decades ago when I peed on myself there. Yeah, I just said on the Internet that I peed on myself at the grand opening of the IMAX in Little Rock, AR. It's not the stupidest thing I've done, is it, Chris? And that was his fault, too. He wanted to go upstairs and I had to pee, so he told me he had already been up there and saw a bathroom. When there wasn't one on the second level, he said it was quicker to the third level than back down to the first level...and I believed it! LOL
You can see where this is going, I'm sure....I knew I couldn't make it all the way down to the first level. I was criss-crossing my legs and bending my knuckles were white from holding on to the brass railing around the shuttle (or whatever the hell it was...I didn't pay attention. I HAD TO PEE!!!) on display. Lawson opened the only door up there, with huge yellow and black 'do not enter' signs on it. I was beginning to panic, but trying to whisper at the same time so the middle-school class on tour behind me wouldn't hear. "NO! We'll get caught!"
Lawson peeked inside and said "COME on! There's a bathroom right there! I told you there was one up here." I managed to get thru the door stooped over, knees still together, looked up and there was nothing but, I swear to you, a coke machine, two plastic coke crates, and two doors.
I immeidately sat on the crate just to get my groupings so I could make it over to the bathroom door, but it wasn't even a bathroom door! It was a locked office, and when Lawson threw the other door open, he almost fell off a ledge! The IMAX is also an aircraft museum, and there was a door, like a loading door or something, just up in the air in the side of the building. He looked like Clark Griswold at the Hoover Dam (Nat'l Lampoon's Vegas Vacation). He slammed the door and turned around - his eyes were about to pop outta his head, and I just lost it. We both fell out laughing and I felt it right there on the brink...."OMG! I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!!" I said, and I laughed till I cried. And peed everywhere.
In conclusion, Lawson had to go downstairs and buy me a pair of little kid shorts to wear back home commando...we were with my PARENTS, I might add. And when I got down to the lobby and whispered to my mom why I had on a new pair of shorts, my dad goes, "YOU PEED? MY GOD, JAYME," and joined in with Lawson & everyone else in there.
ANYWAYS, since I'm clownin' on Lawson today, I'll give him props, too....he's only been service manager a few months & is hearing good at work...he's doing great & I'm so proud of him! The stress is gettin' him, tho...maybe tonite I'll try to relieve the tension and give him a massage with mashed up, rotten fruit. He seems to like that. But I promise not to pee on him.
~One of my favorite books~
An excerpt from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter
It may seem marvellous, that with the world before her, free to return to her birthplace, or to any other land, and there hide her character and identity under a new exterior, as completely as if emerging into another state of being - and having also the passes of the dark, inscrutable forest open to her, where the wildness of her nature might assimilate itself with a people whose customs and life were alien from the law that had condemned her - it may seem marvellous that this woman should still call that place her home, where, and where only, she must needs be the type of shame.
But there is a fatality, so irresistible and inevitable that it has the force of doom, which almost invariably compels human beings to linger around and haunt, ghostlike, the spot where some great and marked event has given the color to their lifetime; and still the more irresistibly, the darker the tinge which saddens it.
Her sin, her ignominy, were the roots which she had struck into the soil. It was as if a new birth, with stronger assimilations than the first, had converted the forest-land, still so uncongenial to ever other wandereer, into her wild and dreary, life-long home.
All other scenes of earth were foreign to her in comparison. The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but could never be broken.
It might be, too - doubtless it was so, although she hid the secret from herself, and grew pale whenever it struggled out of her heart, like a serpant from its hole - it might be that another feeling kept her within the scene and pathway that had been so fatal.
There dwelt, there trode the feet of one with whom she deemed herself connected in a union, that unrecognized on earth, would bring them together for a joint futurity of endless retribution.
Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul, and work out another purity than that which she had lost; more saint-like, becasue the result of martyrdom.
She, therefore, did not flee.
It may seem marvellous, that with the world before her, free to return to her birthplace, or to any other land, and there hide her character and identity under a new exterior, as completely as if emerging into another state of being - and having also the passes of the dark, inscrutable forest open to her, where the wildness of her nature might assimilate itself with a people whose customs and life were alien from the law that had condemned her - it may seem marvellous that this woman should still call that place her home, where, and where only, she must needs be the type of shame.
But there is a fatality, so irresistible and inevitable that it has the force of doom, which almost invariably compels human beings to linger around and haunt, ghostlike, the spot where some great and marked event has given the color to their lifetime; and still the more irresistibly, the darker the tinge which saddens it.
Her sin, her ignominy, were the roots which she had struck into the soil. It was as if a new birth, with stronger assimilations than the first, had converted the forest-land, still so uncongenial to ever other wandereer, into her wild and dreary, life-long home.
All other scenes of earth were foreign to her in comparison. The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but could never be broken.
It might be, too - doubtless it was so, although she hid the secret from herself, and grew pale whenever it struggled out of her heart, like a serpant from its hole - it might be that another feeling kept her within the scene and pathway that had been so fatal.
There dwelt, there trode the feet of one with whom she deemed herself connected in a union, that unrecognized on earth, would bring them together for a joint futurity of endless retribution.
Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul, and work out another purity than that which she had lost; more saint-like, becasue the result of martyrdom.
She, therefore, did not flee.
~Carlin Quotes~

I posted this when comedian George Carlin died....
I remember well sneaking my dad's Carlin records into my room and hiding them in between CCR and Johnny Cash. Perhaps this flashback is a clue to my weirdness these days...He was infamous in his personal and professional life....this is perhaps one of my favorite weird people, simply because ' I love words, too....'
Here's just a little glimpse at an American historic icon....the late George Carlin....
Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck. Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy. I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
If we could just find out who's in charge, we could kill him.
If we could just find out who's in charge, we could kill him.
If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
In comic strips, the person on the right always speaks first.
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.
Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.
Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did.
Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did.
One can never know for sure what a deserted area looks like.
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think.
Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.
Standing ovations have become far too commonplace. What we need are ovations where the audience members all punch and kick one another.
The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.
The reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.
The status quo sucks.
The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.
There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.
Think off-center.
Weather forecast for tonight: dark.
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?
What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get .. you get on?
When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day," I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day?
When Thomas Edison worked late into the night on the electric light, he had to do it by gas lamp or candle. I'm sure it made the work seem that much more urgent.
When you step on the brakes your life is in your foot's hands.
When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.
You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar.
You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans.
~Signs You Race~
And this is one I posted in honor of my hubby and besties who dirt track race...some I jacked, some I wrote...
- You think the primary purpose of wings is to PREVENT flight. - You take your helmet along when you go to buy new eyeglasses. - You feel compelled on a road trip to beat your previous best time. - You are happiest when your street car's tires are worn to racing depth and the wear bars are showing. - When something falls off of your car, you wonder how much weight you just saved. - When you hear 'overcooked it', instead of food you think 'off the track'. - You change engine oil every week. - You sometimes hear little noises from your passengers when you get on the throttle right after turning in. - You thoroughly enjoy showing the tailgater behind how to drive around a highway off-ramp. - Your racing budget is one of the big three -- mortgage, car payments/maintenance, wife bribery. -Your email address refers to your race car rather than to you. - You walk proper lines through the grocery store. - You've been known to yell "It means 'check your mirrors' dammit!" at your television. - You've paid $4.00 a gallon for gas before George Bush ever had anything to do with it. - You buy new parts because you don't know where you put the spares. - You bought a race car before buying a house. - You bought a race car before buying furniture for the new house. - You're looking for a tow vehicle and still haven't bought furniture! - You find that you need a new house because you've outgrown your garage and the neighbors are threatening violence if you park one more vehicle on the street or in the front yard. - The requirements you give your real estate agent are (in order of importance): 1) 8 car climate controlled garage with an attached shop. 2) Outside parking for 6 cars, a motorhome, a crew cab dualie, a 28'enclosed trailer and a 34' 5th wheel. 3) 3 phase 220V outlets in the garage for your welder. 4) A grease pit. 5) Convenient to a hazardous waste disposal site. 6) Deaf neighbors. 7) Across the street from a paint and body shop. 8) Some sort of house with a working toilet and shower on the property somewhere -or- hookups for the motorhome. - You measure all family acquisitions in terms of the number of race tires that could have been purchased. - You know well that Orthodontic work is the equivalant of three sets of tires - You sit in your race car in a dark garage and make car noises and shift and practice your heel and toe, while waiting for your motor to get back from the machine shop. - You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment. - Your wife says, "If you buy another set of tires, I'm getting a new redneck." - Your garage holds more cars than your house has bedrooms. - You have enough spare parts to build another car. - More than one racer supply house recognizes your voice and greets you by name when you call. - You have car parts in your office at work. - You think the last line of the Star Spangled Banner is: "Start your engines!" - You can't remember when you last worked on weekdays and rested on weekends. - You're registered for wedding gifts at J&H Garage & Motorsports. - Your Christmas list begins with another set of rods and peel-offs and your wife actually knows what they are. - After your answer to "What did you do this weekend?" the next question is always: "And you do this for fun? Right?" - You have a separate drawer for 'garage clothes,' but all your good clothes always end up there.- Your reading material in your bathroom consists of auto parts and racing supply catalogs, several books written by famous drivers, every book Carroll Smith has ever written.... and 400 car magazines, none of which have centerfolds. Those may be found giantly displayed on the walls and masked as Snap-On calenders.- People know you by your class car number and car color. - People know you by your "off"s". "Oh, you are the one stuck in turn 4 last weekend!" - You talk to other cars on the road, calling them by the manufacturer's name. - Your idea of a romantic Saturday night with your wife involves asking her to crew for you and pick up the order at Waffle-Inn on the way home. - Your criteria for selecting a friend include auto repair skills. Air tools optional. - Your friends don't recognize you without a helmet and driver's suit. - Your family remembers your hair color as "grease". - You plan your vacations around the race schedule. - You astound the clerk at Sears by bringing in a snapped breaker bar every other week or so. - You remember the dates and details of every race you've ever been in, but can't remember your phone number. - Your family brings the couch into the garage so they can spend some time with you. - You complain when cars in front of you on highway off-ramps don't stay on the line, causing your exit speed to drop. - A neighbor asks if you have any oil, to which you query, "Synthetic or organic?" and they reply, "Vegetable or corn." - You give out Summit Racing's number when a friend asks for the best hardware store. - You refer to the corner down the street from your house as "Turn One." - You look at the fire hydrant at that corner and see an apex marker. - You enjoy driving in the rain on the way to work or school. - You always late apex the intersection and try to pass a few cars coming out. - Everywhere you go, you try to find the fastest line through the turn. - You always do a toe & heel downshift while whoever might be your passenger gives you a real funny look. - You can't stand anyone telling others how to drive. Of course, you are the best. - You can't stand understeer. - You always want to change something in your street car to make it handle better. - You will gladly pay up to $8 for a quart of engine oil. - You hate long distance driving, but you will gladly drive 800 miles to the race track. - You think that traction control and ABS are for those who can't drive. - You've ever tried to convince your wife you needed that flow bench to fix the air filter on her station wagon. - You save broken car parts as " momentos". - Your last several freeway forays included just brushing the curbs as you apexed the on-ramps perfectly.... - You've found your lawnmower runs pretty good on 108 octane gas (but doesn't particularly care for alcohol). - The local tire shop won't honor the tread life warranty on any car you have been within 50 yards of... - The shop manager at your local car dealer mutters "dear Lord" under his breath after he sees the size of your exhaust piping. - The local police and state Highway Patrol have a picture of your car taped to their dashboard. - You spend more time polishing your exhaust tip every day than you do bathing. - Instead of pictures in your wallet, you have timeslips. - You would choose a rollbar over air conditioning if it were an option. - You enjoy driving through wet, empty parking lots and using the emergency brake to kick the back end out. - White smoke coming out from under your tires is a common sight. - You consider the redline a "conservative suggestion" and the rev limiter "a fun limiter" - You spend more on pit passes than on food. - Your idea of a good time is sitting around figuring out gear ratios and the ideal final drive ratio for given situations. - When someone refers to "The Good Book", you think of "The Auto Math Handbook" - When someone asks where you went to school, you reply, "Talladega". - You have racing shops programmed on on your speed dialer. - You own five cars and only one of them is street legal. - You know the 1/4 mile times and skid pad numbers of your riding mower and want to improve them. - You've embarrassed your wife at least once by insisting on wearing your full face helmet while driving. - You know the "racing line" of every turn in your daily commute, including your alternate routes, and practice hitting them every day. - You quote your street tire wear life in weeks rather than miles. - You regularly live test your rev limiter on that straight that's a little too long for 2nd but not worth going into 3rd for. - You've started looking for sponsors for your daily commute. - You've slalomed in a construction zone, and counted your penalty time in the rearview afterwards. - After you tell your wife where you'd like to go on your vacation she answers: "Why... is there a race there?"
- People think your kids are retarded because they can be seen at Sonic in the middle of summer strapped into your backseat wearing monster-sized helmets.
- You think the primary purpose of wings is to PREVENT flight. - You take your helmet along when you go to buy new eyeglasses. - You feel compelled on a road trip to beat your previous best time. - You are happiest when your street car's tires are worn to racing depth and the wear bars are showing. - When something falls off of your car, you wonder how much weight you just saved. - When you hear 'overcooked it', instead of food you think 'off the track'. - You change engine oil every week. - You sometimes hear little noises from your passengers when you get on the throttle right after turning in. - You thoroughly enjoy showing the tailgater behind how to drive around a highway off-ramp. - Your racing budget is one of the big three -- mortgage, car payments/maintenance, wife bribery. -Your email address refers to your race car rather than to you. - You walk proper lines through the grocery store. - You've been known to yell "It means 'check your mirrors' dammit!" at your television. - You've paid $4.00 a gallon for gas before George Bush ever had anything to do with it. - You buy new parts because you don't know where you put the spares. - You bought a race car before buying a house. - You bought a race car before buying furniture for the new house. - You're looking for a tow vehicle and still haven't bought furniture! - You find that you need a new house because you've outgrown your garage and the neighbors are threatening violence if you park one more vehicle on the street or in the front yard. - The requirements you give your real estate agent are (in order of importance): 1) 8 car climate controlled garage with an attached shop. 2) Outside parking for 6 cars, a motorhome, a crew cab dualie, a 28'enclosed trailer and a 34' 5th wheel. 3) 3 phase 220V outlets in the garage for your welder. 4) A grease pit. 5) Convenient to a hazardous waste disposal site. 6) Deaf neighbors. 7) Across the street from a paint and body shop. 8) Some sort of house with a working toilet and shower on the property somewhere -or- hookups for the motorhome. - You measure all family acquisitions in terms of the number of race tires that could have been purchased. - You know well that Orthodontic work is the equivalant of three sets of tires - You sit in your race car in a dark garage and make car noises and shift and practice your heel and toe, while waiting for your motor to get back from the machine shop. - You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment. - Your wife says, "If you buy another set of tires, I'm getting a new redneck." - Your garage holds more cars than your house has bedrooms. - You have enough spare parts to build another car. - More than one racer supply house recognizes your voice and greets you by name when you call. - You have car parts in your office at work. - You think the last line of the Star Spangled Banner is: "Start your engines!" - You can't remember when you last worked on weekdays and rested on weekends. - You're registered for wedding gifts at J&H Garage & Motorsports. - Your Christmas list begins with another set of rods and peel-offs and your wife actually knows what they are. - After your answer to "What did you do this weekend?" the next question is always: "And you do this for fun? Right?" - You have a separate drawer for 'garage clothes,' but all your good clothes always end up there.- Your reading material in your bathroom consists of auto parts and racing supply catalogs, several books written by famous drivers, every book Carroll Smith has ever written.... and 400 car magazines, none of which have centerfolds. Those may be found giantly displayed on the walls and masked as Snap-On calenders.- People know you by your class car number and car color. - People know you by your "off"s". "Oh, you are the one stuck in turn 4 last weekend!" - You talk to other cars on the road, calling them by the manufacturer's name. - Your idea of a romantic Saturday night with your wife involves asking her to crew for you and pick up the order at Waffle-Inn on the way home. - Your criteria for selecting a friend include auto repair skills. Air tools optional. - Your friends don't recognize you without a helmet and driver's suit. - Your family remembers your hair color as "grease". - You plan your vacations around the race schedule. - You astound the clerk at Sears by bringing in a snapped breaker bar every other week or so. - You remember the dates and details of every race you've ever been in, but can't remember your phone number. - Your family brings the couch into the garage so they can spend some time with you. - You complain when cars in front of you on highway off-ramps don't stay on the line, causing your exit speed to drop. - A neighbor asks if you have any oil, to which you query, "Synthetic or organic?" and they reply, "Vegetable or corn." - You give out Summit Racing's number when a friend asks for the best hardware store. - You refer to the corner down the street from your house as "Turn One." - You look at the fire hydrant at that corner and see an apex marker. - You enjoy driving in the rain on the way to work or school. - You always late apex the intersection and try to pass a few cars coming out. - Everywhere you go, you try to find the fastest line through the turn. - You always do a toe & heel downshift while whoever might be your passenger gives you a real funny look. - You can't stand anyone telling others how to drive. Of course, you are the best. - You can't stand understeer. - You always want to change something in your street car to make it handle better. - You will gladly pay up to $8 for a quart of engine oil. - You hate long distance driving, but you will gladly drive 800 miles to the race track. - You think that traction control and ABS are for those who can't drive. - You've ever tried to convince your wife you needed that flow bench to fix the air filter on her station wagon. - You save broken car parts as " momentos". - Your last several freeway forays included just brushing the curbs as you apexed the on-ramps perfectly.... - You've found your lawnmower runs pretty good on 108 octane gas (but doesn't particularly care for alcohol). - The local tire shop won't honor the tread life warranty on any car you have been within 50 yards of... - The shop manager at your local car dealer mutters "dear Lord" under his breath after he sees the size of your exhaust piping. - The local police and state Highway Patrol have a picture of your car taped to their dashboard. - You spend more time polishing your exhaust tip every day than you do bathing. - Instead of pictures in your wallet, you have timeslips. - You would choose a rollbar over air conditioning if it were an option. - You enjoy driving through wet, empty parking lots and using the emergency brake to kick the back end out. - White smoke coming out from under your tires is a common sight. - You consider the redline a "conservative suggestion" and the rev limiter "a fun limiter" - You spend more on pit passes than on food. - Your idea of a good time is sitting around figuring out gear ratios and the ideal final drive ratio for given situations. - When someone refers to "The Good Book", you think of "The Auto Math Handbook" - When someone asks where you went to school, you reply, "Talladega". - You have racing shops programmed on on your speed dialer. - You own five cars and only one of them is street legal. - You know the 1/4 mile times and skid pad numbers of your riding mower and want to improve them. - You've embarrassed your wife at least once by insisting on wearing your full face helmet while driving. - You know the "racing line" of every turn in your daily commute, including your alternate routes, and practice hitting them every day. - You quote your street tire wear life in weeks rather than miles. - You regularly live test your rev limiter on that straight that's a little too long for 2nd but not worth going into 3rd for. - You've started looking for sponsors for your daily commute. - You've slalomed in a construction zone, and counted your penalty time in the rearview afterwards. - After you tell your wife where you'd like to go on your vacation she answers: "Why... is there a race there?"
- People think your kids are retarded because they can be seen at Sonic in the middle of summer strapped into your backseat wearing monster-sized helmets.
~Jayme's iPod~
I did this for my myspace page months ago and got great feeback, so I thought I'd drop it here, too, in case ya'll wanted to suggest some songs...
All-ritey, peeplez.
I'm trying to make the best playlist I ever had for my i-Pod.
Your homework is to leave me a comment with at least 10 songs that I should download. You can list as many as you want, but it's gotta be at least 10.
I anxiously anticipate listening to my playlist that will have been created by you. Then, if you're looking for download ideas, you can visit and check out all the comments, too.
Oops, I forgot the second part to your this so I can see what YOUR peeps suggest.
All-ritey, peeplez.
I'm trying to make the best playlist I ever had for my i-Pod.
Your homework is to leave me a comment with at least 10 songs that I should download. You can list as many as you want, but it's gotta be at least 10.
I anxiously anticipate listening to my playlist that will have been created by you. Then, if you're looking for download ideas, you can visit and check out all the comments, too.
Oops, I forgot the second part to your this so I can see what YOUR peeps suggest.
~I would NEVER want to 'imagine a world' without God~

This picture stunned me before I ever read the caption beneath. I realize this is a attempted stab at Christianity, but I wanted to post this for you guys because when I look at this photo, I think "Imagine how much worse it would be if there were, in fact, 'no religion.'
This saying, nothing more than a tiny, poisonous seed of spiritual doubt, was instantly destroyed by the sowing of God's presence in the gardens of my mind....instead of a blasephemous weed, a beautiful flower grew, its bloom a short meditation, reminding me of God's perfect beauty and timeless protection in this world of murderous 'religion.'
This saying, nothing more than a tiny, poisonous seed of spiritual doubt, was instantly destroyed by the sowing of God's presence in the gardens of my mind....instead of a blasephemous weed, a beautiful flower grew, its bloom a short meditation, reminding me of God's perfect beauty and timeless protection in this world of murderous 'religion.'
~Bad Predictions~
"When [the housewife of 2000] cleans house she simply turns the hose on everything. Why not? Furniture-(upholstery included) rugs, draperies, unscratchable floors- all are made of synthetic fabric or waterproof plastic. After the water has run down a drain in the middle of the floor (later concealed by a rug of synthetic fiber) [she] turns on a blast of hot air and dries everything."-Waldemar Kaempfert, Popular Mechanics, 1950.
Well, I don't know about all that, but....
As Waylon Jennings said in "I've always been crazy"...."I've never intentionally hurt anyone..."
The results of a lil personality quiz...
My Values Profile
Loyalty: You value loyalty highly. You're completely devoted to your friends and family. Even if they totally screw up, you're still there for them. Just make sure they're equally loyal to you!
Honesty: You value honesty highly. You're unflinchingly honest, even when it's not easy. For you, integrity is very important - in yourself and others. People may not always like what you say, but they know they can trust it.
Generosity: You value generosity highly. So much so that you often put your own needs last. There's nothing wrong with having a caring heart...But you may want to rethink your "open wallet" policy.
Humility: You value humility highly. You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are. And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better. You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low.
Tolerance: You value tolerance highly. Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them.
The results of a lil personality quiz...
My Values Profile
Loyalty: You value loyalty highly. You're completely devoted to your friends and family. Even if they totally screw up, you're still there for them. Just make sure they're equally loyal to you!
Honesty: You value honesty highly. You're unflinchingly honest, even when it's not easy. For you, integrity is very important - in yourself and others. People may not always like what you say, but they know they can trust it.
Generosity: You value generosity highly. So much so that you often put your own needs last. There's nothing wrong with having a caring heart...But you may want to rethink your "open wallet" policy.
Humility: You value humility highly. You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are. And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better. You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low.
Tolerance: You value tolerance highly. Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them.
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