Wednesday, January 21, 2009

~Jayme's iPod~

I did this for my myspace page months ago and got great feeback, so I thought I'd drop it here, too, in case ya'll wanted to suggest some songs...

All-ritey, peeplez.
I'm trying to make the best playlist I ever had for my i-Pod.

Your homework is to leave me a comment with at least 10 songs that I should download. You can list as many as you want, but it's gotta be at least 10.

I anxiously anticipate listening to my playlist that will have been created by you. Then, if you're looking for download ideas, you can visit and check out all the comments, too.

Oops, I forgot the second part to your this so I can see what YOUR peeps suggest.


  1. Have mercy, I made up a whole long list of 100 but it is lost somewhere out there in blog comment land. They were good songs though!

  2. Maxine said that's not good.

    'blog comment land'??? that is TOO funny. i've never thought of it like that. Ain't no telling how many I have floating around out there.

    I wish it hadn't disappeared. That irks me.
