Sunday, May 31, 2009

the prison break.

I've been out of town this weekend, so I didn't have to drive to Cummins and cover the prison break story. Apparently, 'powers that be' had the bright idea to allow one of the jobs at the prison to be prisoners making guard uniforms.

I'm sure those that don't know about this can tell where it's going....because of this grand plan, two convicted murderers borrowed a couple of the uniforms and waltzed right out of the prison with the other guards during shift rotation to a car that was parked nearby, apparently waiting for their escape.

A possible sighting was reported in Missouri, and I certainly hope noone loses their life because the State of Arkansas could not foresee that a possible security breach was on the horizon when they allowed the same garments guards wear to actually be made by prisoners.

I'm just surprised it hasn't happened before now.

I wonder if another job in the prison is making keys for the gates.


  1. Ironically enough,the new graduating class from Friday was just warned that that exact thing might happen one day.Yep,one day after they graduate.They were aware that it might happen.It sounds like a dingy moment to me!!!

  2. back when i used to service equipment at auto repair shops and the like, quite a few of my customers were the vehicle repair garages at different parish sheriff's departments in south louisiana. i was always amazed that prisoners were allowed to work on sheriff's vehicles. wouldn't take much for somebody with a big enough grudge to tamper with something. i guess when the economy sucks, you cut whatever corners you can without much forethought...
